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Costume and Performance Design Arts University College Bournemouth

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Reflecting on Costume Sourcing

Sourcing costumes was a new territory for me. From previously being used to sourcing fabrics; picking and choosing what trimmings and styles to have, it is very different to find whole garments that match your designs.
I was lucky in finding certain items such as the dungarees and top which matched the exact look I was aiming for with Angie. 
I feel I need a greater understanding into the sourcing field, and as my project and the sourcing of costume and set continues over the summer I hope to learn a lot more. I have struggled with the period costumes and where to hire them from, what contacts I need and how to get them. This is the part of the project that I need most guidance in.
I have learnt from this process that more communication between myself and the director is needed so that buying can start as soon as possible so as to avoid items being sold out. I feel I also need to talk more to the tutors to find out possible contacts and gather advise on this area as I search for the costumes.
I have also learnt that contacts through friendship groups are very important, knowing someone who has been through the sourcing process is useful and can keep costs down by borrowing existing items they already have; such as a possible Kimono that might suit my character Lady Nijo.
It is clear that to be successful in this job, contacts are crucial in securing inexpensive finds and buys.

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