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Costume and Performance Design Arts University College Bournemouth

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Reflection of Research

I have researched my characters and the periods in detail, using various sources. I have looked at magazines from the late 70s, internet pages and blogs, library books, DVDs and fictional books. These sources of information not only expanded my knowledge of each era concerned but influenced my designs.
The use of the Vogue magazine from the time allowed me to see through the eyes of women in the late 70s, what they aspired to look like and wear. I got  few design inspirations from there, namely the suit designs and dresses for the Top Girls and aspiring Top Girls.
Internet pages and Blogs can make it hard to find reliable information. I looked into modern research; designs inspired by the 80s, although this was interesting it also informed me badly on the 80s style, taking some of the designs literally and translating them onto my character designs.
Library books, DVDs and fictional books however opened my eyes to the people. The DVDs such as 'Pope Joan' and 'The Piano' helped me better understand the costumes for both Isabella and the Pope. The fictional book, 'The Curious Incident' helped me understand why the character Angie says what she says and how best to design for her through this knowledge.
On reflection I find my research should be accessed through the factual sources, taking inspiration from modern designs can just confuse the overall outcome.  

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