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Costume and Performance Design Arts University College Bournemouth

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Character Research

Isabella Bird

  Isabella Bird is the Victorian explorer of the 19th century. She travelled the world while her husband took care of her ill sister Hennie. She loved the sea and travelling finding herself quite dull when stationary. Even when becoming ill herself she travelled the world tiring herself out with committee work and good causes at the age of 70. 
To research Isabella Bird I have watched the film, 'The Piano' showcasing a Victorian woman in her travelling clothes. The formal form of dress worn by the Victorians shows their sense of occasion, seeming quite impractical for their travelling needs. I found watching a film for research purposes quite useful as it allowed me to see how the costume was worn, including the practicalities. In this film I was also able to see the layers of the costume and the cut and fit of each part.

Lady Nijo

Lady Nijo is the 13th century Japanese concubine and Buddhist Nun. She was called at 14 years old to the court by the Emperor to serve him. Her numerous children not all the Emperor's died or were taken away until both her father and the Emperor died all she was left with was her fourth child who she felt nothing for. She was very concerned wholly with reputation and always avoided scandal. She believed that the Emperor really loved her when he actually no longer cared for her and had sent her to another lover. 
To research this character I have used books, internet and films such as, Memoirs of a Geisha, which unfortunately is not of the correct era but alot of the Japanese costume seems to be taken from tradition so has helped hugely with my designing for Lady Nijo. 
Dull Gret

Dull Gret is the subject of a 16th Century painting entitled 'Dulle Griet'. The painting tells the story of a strong woman defending her village. She holds a powerful physical presence and uses few words throughout the scene. The painting by Brueghel depicts the story where Gret leads women through a mouth to hell to fight the devils.
The painting hold all the research I need into the costume but I have also researched the 16th century costume so as to contextualise the setting and period it was painted.

Pope Joan

Pope Joan is the earliest character in the play, she is the mysterious character from the 9th century, it is undecided whether she is a legend or historical. She disguised herself as  boy so as to be educated and was recognised for her wisdom. She soon found herself as cardinal and took over as Pope when Pope Leo died. She was soon discovered when she became pregnant and gave birth on a procession through Rome. 
To research this character I watched the film, 'Pope Joan'. This film is the most useful of references as I have a greater understanding of her life and the costume including their ceremonial dress and off hours clothing. I also researched Pope Joan through internet and books, as with Lady Nijo the clothes worn are taken from traditions years before and after, making the costume almost timeless and therefore quite easy to research and therefore design for. 

Patient Griselda

Patient Griselda is a fictional character from the 12th Century 'Canterbury Tales' by Chaucer. She is the Daughter of a peasant who was chosen for her beauty to marry the Marquis. She had two children with him who were sadly taken away from her as the crowds weren't happy that the heir would be the son of a peasant. 12 years after she was sent away from him, and later sent to prepare for his next wedding. At the ceremony she was reunited with her two children.
To research Griselda I looked at books and internet research, looking also at 'The Clerk's Tale' from the 'Canterbury Tales'. 

The characters in the play tell their life stories through a chorus of voices interrupting each other. By piecing it together I could find out each characters life story from their point of view, understanding better how they felt about each circumstance whether they were happy or sad and how they felt about the men in their lives. In the majority of cases the characters respected their men obeying their demands and defending their character.

I found the script itself to be the most helpful in visualising the characters, by reading their stories   it is clear as to what period they come from by how they communicate. By using different forms of research I have learnt all aspects of the character's lives; through their own experience and historical reference.

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